The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic has not only impacted the whole of Europe throughout 2020 and into 2021, but it has also affected the human population across the entire world.
The mission to solve the problem of COVID-19 has led to continuous updates in our knowledge on treatment procedures for and the pathophysiology of this disease.
Therefore, we cordially invite you to join us for a scientific webinar, where we will present some of the highlights, key themes, and current discussions regarding the novel coronavirus.
The event has been developed for health care professionals and accredited by the Czech Medical Chamber as a continuing medical education (CME) activity with the chance to obtain 2 CME credits for passive participation.
Akce má charakter postgraduálního vzdělávání a je garantována ČLK jako akce kontinuálního vzdělávání - účastníci obdrží certifikát o účasti. Číslo akce: 101649, počet kreditů 2.